Concrete Show Brazil is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


16th Edition of the Concrete Show South America | August 19 to 21, 2025 - 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM


We are committed to Concrete Show South America having a positive impact on people and the planet. We want to assist the entire construction community to improve their own sustainability by connecting people to the networks and knowledge they need to help tackle the big challenges of the future.

Sustainability at Concrete Show South America 

The Concrete Show, the construction industry's most complete event, recognizes the importance of sustainability in its activities. For us, sustainability is a commitment to the present and the future, reflecting our responsibility to contribute to an environmentally responsible, socially just and economically viable world.

The Concrete Show seeks to be a platform for discussing and tackling these challenges, inspiring participants to adopt sustainable practices in their business. By joining forces during events, we seek to strengthen a transformative movement in the industry, collectively building a sustainable future. We want the commitment of each participant not only as a response to current challenges, but as a collective construction of the future of the construction chain.

As part of our commitment, we are focused on three pillars of sustainability


Goal 4: Ensure that education is inclusive and equitable, and promote opportunities for lifelong learning for all.
Increase the number of individuals with relevant technical and vocational skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship, both among youth and adults.
Goal 7: Ensure reliable, sustainable, modern, and affordable access to energy for everyone.
Expand infrastructure and modernize technology to provide modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological modernization, and innovation.
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological modernization, and innovation.
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Reduce global per capita food waste at retail and consumer levels, and minimize food losses throughout production and supply chains.
Goal 17: Enhance the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
Mobilize knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial resources to strengthen the global partnership for sustainable development. To encourage and promote effective partnerships between public, private, and civil society sectors, it is important to learn from the resource mobilization strategies of these partnerships
  • Better Stands Program: raising awareness among our exhibitors and assembly companies to use reusable stands, thereby reducing waste generation;
  • Reduction of printed materials, with those being FSC certified;
  • Interactive map provided on the Concrete Show Online Platform, replacing the printed pocket map;
  • Utilization of carpet made from recycled PET, with 80% reused from previous events. Post-event waste is sent for recycling and transformed into new products;
  • Use of LED lighting in the pavilion and Informa spaces, and optimization of air conditioning usage to decrease energy consumption;
  • Selective waste collection and environmentally responsible disposal of all event-generated waste;
  • Options for vegan and vegetarian food in event restaurants and snack bars;
  • At the event's exit, a container is provided for the conscious disposal of credentials that will be reused at future events.
  • Hiring of People with Disabilities (PwD) in partnership with the PAE program (Programa de Atendente Eficientes);
  • Motorized chairs are available for accessibility at the event;
  • Provide support for the Safrater and Instituto Jô Clemente.

Help improve the sustainability of Concrete Show South America

As a visitor

  • Consider how you will get to the event and whether you can avoid air travel or use transportation with a low carbon footprint, such as public transport, free shuttles or car sharing;
  • Recycle your waste on location and at your hotel whenever possible;
  • Support our charity partners, both as individuals - Safrater and Instituto Jô Clemente.
  • Consider opting for vegetarian and vegan food options and avoid food waste; 
  • Take only the gifts or leaflets you need and will use, consider if there are digital alternatives;
  • Consider the hotel's environmental credentials when deciding where to stay. Get to know the official Concrete Show travel agency:


As an exhibitor

  • Make sure that your stand can be reused by your company or by your contracted assembler;
  • Think about the waste your stand will generate and try to minimize it as much as possible. Ensure that unavoidable waste is recycled.
  • Select LED lighting and other energy-efficient equipment for your stand and make sure you turn off your equipment at the end of the day;
  • Reduce paper distributions by going digital and purchase sustainably certified paper where printing is required.
  • Get involved in the numerous initiatives and conversations throughout the event that aim to help facilitate and inspire the sustainable development of your sector.
  • Inspire the sustainable development of your sector by promoting your company and the sustainability credentials of your products and services.


Sustainability at Informa Markets

The Concrete Show South America is part of Informa Markets and the Informa Group. Sustainability at Informa focuses on the long-term impacts we have on customers, colleagues, the communities in which we work and the environment. For this reason, Informa has developed the FasterForward approach to sustainable business.

Informa's goal is to become an increasingly sustainable business with a positive impact. Through the FasterForward program, we are embedding sustainability in everything we do and seizing opportunities to help our customers and markets do the same.

FasterForward is a three-part program with ambitious commitments and a wide range of activities, covering Informa's business operations, our brands and products, and our wider impact on the community. 

When it comes to sustainability, we're moving faster. 

Informa PLC is ranked number one in the global media industry in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes 2022.

Read more here: Informa achieves global media sector leadership in ESG index.


Contact us and share your story

Would you like to work with us on the sustainability of our event? Would you like to share your own story and efforts? Got an idea? Contact the event team and Informa's sustainability team for more information: [email protected]


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